TCK Training Website
TCK Training Mission:
To come alongside parents with support and encouragement as you raise your Third Culture Kids to be healthy, whole, uniquely beautiful individuals!
To educate those who support TCKs about prevention of common challenges that TCKs face in adulthood.
They Do This Through:
Workshops – Regularly offered online and in person.
Seminars – Learn about preventive care on your own time. A new topic is available each month.
Coaching for Parents – Equipping and encouraging parents with skills to implement preventive TCK care in ways that work specifically for their family
Consulting for Organizations – Providing training on TCK preventive care and how to implement it on an organizational level
Curriculum Development – Customized curriculum created for your TCK retreat or program and training for your personnel
Blog – Practical skills, personal insight, and encouragement for parents of TCKs and those who work with TCKs.