Re-Entry by Peter Jordan
Counseling, Transition, Military, and Reentry | reentry and book
Draft — by Heather W.
Re-Entry: Making The Transition From Missions To Life At Home
Peter Jordan, missionary with YWAM, wrote Re-Entry for missionaries returning “home” from “the field.” A quick read, he compares a missionary’s return to home to an astronaut’s return to earth from space orbit. The book helps you realize that the return needs attention just as much as the initial launch into overseas ministry. It is vital for missionary families to prepare going both directions, and this book brings attention to that need in a fun way.
I think kids 10 years old and up could enjoy the book, but parents would definitely need to read alongside to discuss and process. Written well before social media and video calls, some of Peter’s ideas for keeping in touch may seem outdated. I think they are all worth considering especially since there are some places in the world with low or inconsistent internet connectivity.